Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Culture or cultures derived from the Sanskrit buddhayah, which is the plural form of the buddhi (mind or intellect) is defined as the things pertaining to the mind and human reason.
In English, the culture is called culture, which is derived from the Latin word Colere, the process or work. Can be interpreted also as cultivate the land or farming. The word culture is also sometimes translated as "cultured" in Indonesian.
In general, culture is a way of life that developed and owned jointly by a group of people and passed from generation to generation. Culture is a holistic lifestyle. culture is complex, abstract, and broad. Many aspects of culture helped define communicative behavior. The elements of socio-cultural and multi-spread human social activities.
Some of the reasons why people have trouble when communicating with people from other cultures is seen in the definition of culture: Culture is a complicated device values ​​are polarized by an image that contains a view on its merits alone. "The image of the force" took different forms in different cultures such as the "rugged individualism" in America, "individual harmony with nature" in Japan and "collective compliance" in China.
Cultural image that is forcing it to equip its members with guidance on appropriate behavior and set the world of meaning and logical value that can be borrowed its members the most humble to gain a sense of dignity and coherence with their lives.
Thus, culture that provide a coherent framework for organizing the activities of a person and allow predicting the behavior of others.


a. HARRY SULASTIANTO, arts and culture is a skill to express ideas and thoughts aesthetics, including leverage the power and imagination will view objects, mood, or work that can lead to a sense of beauty that create a more advanced civilization.
b. M. THOYIBI, cultural arts, embodies the art that goes back, which is included in the cultural aspect, it can be felt by many people in the span of the history of human civilization.
c. IDA BAGUS PUTU PERWITA, arts and culture is a means of supporting traditional ceremonies.
d. SARTONO KARTODIRDJO, arts and culture is a coherent system for arts and culture can run effective communication, among others, by means of a single component can show the whole

e. LEHMAN, HIMSTREE and BATY, culture is defined as a set of life experiences that exist in their own communities. Experience life course are numerous and varied, including how the behavior and beliefs or the beliefs of the community itself.

f. HOFSTEDE, culture is the collective programming of mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from other categories.

g. BOOVE and THILL, culture is a system of symbols sharing the beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations and norms for behavior. In this case, all members of the culture have similar assumptions about how people think, behave and communicate as well as tend to do based on those assumptions.

h. MURPHY and HILDEBRANT, culture is defined as a typical characteristic of the behavior within a group. Understanding also indicate that verbal and nonverbal communication in a group is also typical of the group and tend to be unique or different from the others.

i. MITCHELL, culture mrupakan set of core values, beliefs, standards, knowledge, morals, laws and attitudes conveyed somebody in acting, feeling and looked at himself and others.

j. ANDREAS EPPINK, contains the entire understanding of the culture of social values, social norms, and overall knowledge of social structures, religious, etc., in addition all intellectual and artistic expression that characterizes a society.

k. EDWARD BURNETT TYLOR, culture is a complex whole, that it contains the knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and other capabilities from any person as a member of society.

l. SELO SOEMARDJAN and SOELAIMAN SOEMARDI, culture is a means of work, taste, and copyright society.


a. Custom home
b. Dance
c. Song
d. Music
e. Musical instrument
f. Picture
g. Sculpture
h. Clothing
i. Sound
j. Literature / writing

The word "culture" comes from the Sanskrit word buddhayah, is the plural form of the buddhi which means mind or intellect. Such cultures can be interpreted "things concerned with the mind and intellect". There are other establishments of the origin of the word culture, is that the word is a development of the compound mind-power, meaning and mind power, power of the mind. As for the English term derived from the Latin word meaning Colere "cultivate, work", especially cultivate the land or farming. This growing sense of the meaning of culture as all the power and human effort to transform nature.
The term civilization can we align it with the foreign word civilization. The term is usually used for the parts and elements of smooth and beautiful culture, such as art, science, and the manners and social systems complex in a society with a complex structure. Often the term is also used to refer to a civilization that has a culture of technology systems, architecture, fine arts, state system and the advanced science and komplex. (Koentjaraningrat, 1948: 9-10)
If Huntington (1996) defines civilization as the highest social grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have short of that roomates distinguish humans from other species, and Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406 AD) saw civilization (umran) as human social organization, and the continuation tamaddun (sort of urbanization), through ashabiyah (group feeling, espritde corp). Civilization is here defined as the overall complexity of the human mind prosuk State address, race, ethnicity, or religion that sets it apart from the others, but by itself is not monolithic. (Bambang Santosa et al., 2008: 44)

Interaction is a kind of action or action that occurs when two or more objects have an effect or influence each other. The idea of ​​two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way relationship in cause and effect. The combination of simple interactions can lead to a startling new phenomenon. In various fields of science, the interaction has a different meaning.
In his book, Drs. Soetomo term interaction is a reciprocal relationship between one person to another. In the sociology of interaction is always associated with the term social reciprocity or action and reaction among the people, which ignores the social interactions that relationship is friendly or hostile, formal or informal, whether conducted face to face, either directly or through communications directly opposite. What is important in this interaction is the lack of contact and communication among the people. However, unlike the case that understanding these interactions we associate with the learning process. In the teaching-learning interaction, reciprocal relationship between teacher that is instructive (educational) things which interactions should be directed to a specific purpose that are educational namely the change in behavior of students toward maturity.
In the teaching-learning interaction, a teacher as a teacher will strive to the fullest by using a variety of skills and abilities so that children can achieve the desired objectives.
Therefore, teachers should be able to create a situation where your child can learn, because the actual process of learning that can not be said to end when the child can not learn and has not experienced a change in behavior. Due to a change in behavior is itself a result of learning.
Changes in behavior can mean changes include three aspects of human behavior, namely the cognitive, psychomotor aspects, and effective aspect. In principle, the teaching and learning interaction requires proper planning and preparation, good planning and preparation themselves. Because planning and preparation will reduce the barriers that arise in the learning process, the child will be even more motivated to do the study effectively and efficiently. In the teaching-learning interaction, a teacher holding a decisive role. Because after the state of education in the school system to any device that is used and the circumstances of the students however, it ultimately depends on the teacher in the use of all components. Methods and decisions of teachers in teaching and learning interactions will largely determine the success of the child to achieve educational goals. In the process of implementation of teacher education in schools has duties or obligations and etiquette teachers in guiding students in order to achieve the desired objectives, all of which is crucial to the child's success in achieving a change in behavior as a result of students' learning.

Culture is not a stand-alone entity or static. One fundamental challenge for developing inter-cultural dialogue is the view that culture is something that is standard. One of the main objections raised by the thought that Samuel Huntington's 'clash of civilizations' is the idea that human societies are based on affiliates as a single thing, not a plural affiliations between human society with other human societies. Furthermore, this idea also fails to incorporate elements of reliance and cultural interaction. Cultures, like individuals, live from a relationship with one another. The mixing of cultures throughout history and occur through a variety of forms and how such borrowing and cultural exchange (the Silk Road) to cultural colonization through war, domination, and colonialism. Even in extreme situations such as slavery, the exchange occurred where certain processes such as reverse unculturalization unconsciously assimilated into the dominant culture.

Cultural interaction, the cross-linked culture through a variety of ways, such as:
a. Technology
b. Family
c. The political system
d. Social institutions
e. Belief system
f. Livelihood
g. Art
h. Science
i. Marriage (customary)


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